The Remix!

Well folks, its been four years since my last post and let me tell you something ... a lot has changed.

I quit CrossFit and lifting weights, have changed jobs twice, moved twice, no longer have an appendix, dated a bit, traveled some, started and stopped therapy, watched some of my best friends get married, get divorced, have babies, and have officially entered into my first real relationship of my life (more on that another day).

Yet through all of this one theme continues to come up.  There are a hell of a lot of women out there who are EXACTLY in the same spot in life as me.  The difference is, they are sharing their stories and I had stopped.  SO.  Here I am, same old me with a new twist, and a lot more to talk about.

Where do I begin ...
For those who have read past posts or went back to look, CrossFit and Powerlifting stopped being a center of my life for numerous reasons and as grateful as I was to have it in my life then, I am just as grateful that it left.

After two job changes I am looking for a third in 2019 but this time, I am looking for a big change and want to pursue something that actually serves me and not everyone else.  As much as I love giving back, the only thing I get in return is stress and anxiety.

I took the leap into the homebuyer market, quickly left realizing that there is no reason I need to spend a large sum of money just to do my own lawn work.  #hardpass

Spent a Memorial Day weekend in the ER getting my appendix out.  Funny story, horrible pain.

Traveled more than I had been but need to keep up the momentum.  San Francisco, Alaska, Maine, Boston/Cape Cod, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, Grand Cayman.  I have a lot to say about traveling, specifically traveling alone, so stay tuned for more on that.

My relationship ... first one at the age of 34.  Weird.  We've been together for just over a year.  I've learned a lot and have a lot to learn still too.  Another post I will be doing soon.

And that's it for today!

Next time I want to talk about traveling solo.  So many haters I need to address and set straight.



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