It's the Final Countdown! (until my competition!!)

Good Morning friends!
I sit here this dreary Monday morning way too frickin early at work. I tend to do that way too often.  My schedule is 7 am to 4 pm.  I am always here by 6:30, it's kind of disgusting.

Anyway ... since i'm here really early I wanted to share some of what I have been up to since I last checked in.  It's a lot, shocking, I know. 

PR City continues!
We were working through a cycle at my box the past few weeks that included Clean & Jerk and Snatch, so this week was 1RM week!  I love these weeks so much.  Mine went pretty decent I must say, but I still need work on my form, so that is an absolute must after I get some time ... 

Clean & Jerk - 150# (10# PR)
Snatch - 110# (5# PR)

My coach said he's never seen someone shake their heard mid snatch until last Wednesday when I did it.  What can I say?  When something doesn't feel right, it just doesn't feel right and I need to express that! LOL

One thing I never did through my journey of weight loss and CrossFit was taking progress pictures and keeping up with my measurements.  Remembering and tracking lbs on the scale is easy, the other isn't ... I am trying to get better.  This week after some prompting by a fellow bloggers post (Confessions of a Quadzilla) I decided it was time to measure my legs.  Afterall, I have been squatting like its my job for the past couple of months. 
Well, as I expected, the gainz are still upon us.  Growing almost an inch in under 6 months, quadzillas in the house!

I was also reminded just how important community is and what kind CrossFit is.  Its a really damn good one.  I am so thankful that I am a part of multiple communities - CrossFit, Powerlifting, Oly Lifting - they are all so welcoming and supportive.  I honestly don't know if I would be where I'm at or even still doing any of it without those communities.  And they keep growing - that's the coolest part!

So this past weekend, a fellow box mate from TwinTown CrossFit was holding a 2nd annual fundraiser with his family.  He and his family lost both his mother and her sister to brain cancer 2 years ago, within 9 weeks of each other.  They started with a raffle type fundraiser last year  blowing their goal out of the water (by $10K) and continued this year by first hosting a Memory WOD.  This is the first event of its kind I have hosted and Oh My Gosh was I happy to be a part of it.  I felt so blessed to be there with about 20 of my fellow box mates supporting Matt.  This cause is also very close to my heart too since I lost my own Grandfather to brain cancer, I got to have this day to support Matt and his family as well as in memory of my Grandpa Joe.  So incredibly special.

The moment that stuck out to me the most was when Matt's cousin told the story of his aunt and when she was very sick, all she wanted to do was sit up by herself.  We all take things like this for granted being healthy, so it's the least I can do to break a massive sweat in their memory and do what they cannot any more.

Sisters WOD
57 sit ups
100M walking lunges
58 pull ups
1,000M run

Goal Check!!
The goals just keep on happening!  Registration opened this weekend for my next competition so I hopped on that wagon and got my ass signed up!  I have a very happy cheering section now because this one will be in Minneapolis so they can all come and watch without having to travel! YAY!
August 16th - Twin Cities Open 
I am so very excited both to be have another competition to look forward to and train for AND to have something to compare to this coming weekend and finally have "competition PRs"  (EEK!)

And then lastly just for fun, here is me target practicing with my brothers.  I come from a small town (not as small now though) and from farm living.  That being said - guns were ever present in my life from day one so we decided to get out their arsenal and have some fun on Mothers Day.  
I have to say, my brother did a pretty good job catching the shell in the air too.  I look so badass!

So that's all I got for you today, short and sweet.  I'm sure you're thankful because I've been pretty long winded lately I know - HA!

I'm counting down until Friday at 3 pm when I hit the road and head north to compete.  The only bad thing about competitions is the waiting. I hate it.  The training is all fun, signing up is energizing, the wait is terrible.  This week I will be VERY bored too. Taking in a lot of yoga, mobility and light weights.  Not being in the gym is fucking torture.  I will probably still go in a couple of times for fun because I can't stay away.  Maybe creep in the corner and watch people, who knows.

If I don't get a chance to check in again before the competition - think of me Saturday and wish me luck. Maybe by Saturday night I'll share a photo with a medal around my neck!

Happy Monday :)


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