Vacation ☺️

So, I left on vacation and forgot to post, SO SORRY!!!! 

I'm currently getting sun kissed in Palm Springs, CA and let me tell you ... This is a different world!
I haven't spent much time in this state but I dig it a lot. Everyone's super chill. Definitely a few "uppity" groups but whatever, you can't lose them no matter what. 
I'll give more of a recap when I'm back in case anyone's interested I'm headed here sometime!

Before I left though, I was reminded of something I usually ignore. The haters.

I bought jeans, and while doing so, I had lost another pant size. Best part? I haven't lost OR gained a pound since my last pair about 4 months ago.

Thinking about this, how can people give CrossFitters or anyone else who lifts shit for "getting too big"?! I am now an insanely surprising size 8, and I shit you not I have never in my life been this size even when I was maybe 6, I am also a solid 178lb.
You ask the world - I am still fat. You ask doctors, I'm probably "obese". You ask me - this is the best time of my life! 
So again, if people say someone like me (a CrossFitter and lifter) gets too big doig what I do, I say you're way wrong, look at me and look at what I lift. 

Now don't get me wrong, I am not at all obsessed with the size I wear or what my weight is. I weigh myself maybe once a month, and of course I know my sizes when I buy clothes. I do enjoy seeing when they change but also can get frustrated because it costs a lot lol!!

I think it's important to keep an eye on every part of your health because it's that, health. You have to know when something's "off" but I will never again be obsessed with what I weigh or wear. 

I will celebrate it though damn it.
Five years ago - 260lb, Sz 22/XXL
Today - 178lbs, Sz 8/Md

To celebrate, I will eat a flight of bacon. Yes, they exist!!

And I will have some more
Mojitos poolside ☺️

Cheers y'all, I'll check in again soon!!


  1. Congrats Tracy, this is just awesome to ready about. I couldn't be happier for you!


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