
Once again, I am too busy for my own good.  I find this to be both exciting as well as frustrating.
Most frustrating parts?  Lack of sleep and clean laundry.

I have some REALLY exciting things changing in my life starting next week and am hoping that means I can be back for more fun and exciting story times with y'all!
There also have been A LOT of good conversations floating around my world about body image, training, competitions, etc etc etc.  A lot of the same fun things as always but really gets me thinking about what I want to discuss with everyone.  Yeah some of what I will talk about coming up will be "the same old topics" but from my own perspective which I think will be cool.  Hopefully you will too!

I won't leave you with that teaser without filling you in on some of what I have been up to lately ...

First of all.  I completed my CrossFit L1 Trainer Course! Yay!  Coach T-Money is legit!

I knew I would have fun and would learn a lot but DAMN.  That was a lot of awesome info.
It is also incredibly humbling and challenging to basically be brought back to Day 1 of CrossFit, handed a PVC pipe and told to attempt movements like a beginner.  You sure get corrected a lot.

Aside obviously from learning new things, my favorite part of the whole weekend had to be the trainers.  These guys and gals are so lucky to have this as their job. Seriously.
I was so interested in their own styles.  They all brought with their experience, knowledge and coaching styles and didn't change them for teaching purposes.  It was so fun to be able to see and be taught by so many amazing personalities.

And of course, I got pictures with all of my trainers.  Duh. Why wouldn't I?

In the midst of all of this I have been battling another injury.  I did it around Xmas, but this time was WAY worse and even more frustrating.  I pulled a muscle in my back, one attached to my lat.  The pulling in turn jacked my rib(s) out of place.  I had to visit the chiropractor two times and rest for almost 2 weeks.
Since I have experienced this before, I thought I caught it early and recovery would be so fast.  Well, thats kind of a lie since this one, attached to the lat, yeah ... you use these muscles and that area A LOT.  Basically any pushing, pulling listing my arms, etc, would hurt and even re-pulled my muscle once or twice.   I'm happy to report though, this week I am finally healed.  Still a little stiff, but back at the gym!

Here's the real shitter though.  I may have to back out of my Powerlifting competition on August 16th.  I have not started training at all for it.  Its 2.5 weeks out.  Shit.
I also don't want to re-injure myself.   Maybe even worse this time.
What else?  We have broken a USAPL record for women competing at this meet.  I was absolutely pumped to be a part of that.  But I would have to get over it, which will suck. 
I am so very thankful though, I have been working with the meet director and he told me to take it day by day and see how I feel.  If I decide not to compete, I can volunteer, which I would love to still do because I will be sad to not be there.

A lot of people keep asking me - Why don't you just go and "have fun"?
Yeah. Why wouldn't I?! - Because I will be pissed off every minute of the day. I know I wouldn't be lifting up to my potential and really, whats the point of doing it if I won't be doing my best.  

ALSO in the midst of all of this ... we did not make Granite Games 2014.  My gym chose to forgo a team, the ladies also chose no.  Instead?  Myself and friend Keela will be headed to Des Moines, IA Sept 5th to compete at The MAT Games!  I am very excited about this.  The standards are interesting and challenging.  I chose to go with RX instead of scaled which gives me a little anxiety but makes me excited for the challenge.
This is another reason why I am contemplating sitting out on Aug 16th.  Would I rather give my time then and heal fully or miss both of them due to injuring myself in a meet?  And theres another meet in December that I have qualified for, I could train for that. 

Whew.  Told you I've had a lot to talk about.  
But, I have a meeting now, so I will shut up and leave you with some photos from the past few weeks.  My antics and fun.  As always, beer and food and working out were involved. Weird.


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