One Week and Counting!

Hello folks!
As I prepare for my last week of prep before my next competition, I need to share with everyone how awesome things have been going for me.  Yes, I am tooting my own horn here, deal with it!

Over just the past couple of weeks, I have made some pretty impressive gains (if you ask me).  A lot of things have been coming together for me that I have been working on for a LONG time and let me tell you, it feels really damn good.

In just over one week, I will be competing alongside 7 of my fellow TwinTown CrossFitters in Fargo, ND at The Dakota Games.  It's a two day event that will have 6 events plus one finals for the top 10 (I think) in each division.  They have released 5 of the 6 events and are keeping one a secret until the first day - Oh the suspense!

Because I am feeling proud and reflective, lets take a look at the events and what my GAINZ have been.

EVENT 1 - 3RM Bear Complex
Athletes will recieve 6 minutes to establish a 3RM unbroken of the below complex.

  • Clean
  • Front Squat
  • Shoulder to Overhead (front rack)
  • Back Squat
  • Shoulder to Overhead (back rack)
GAINZ - Really there is only weight and technique to gain for me here.  Lifting is a stronger suit of mine so I did a happy dance when I saw this one.  I am up to 105# unbroken and 115# for 2.5 reps.

EVENT 2 - 10 Minute Row

Part 1 - 500M Row Sprint
Part 2 - Continue rowing without any stopping or coasting until the 10 minutes is up (sprint time counts as part of the 10).
Scores are record as (1) 500M sprint time (2) total meters rowed

GAINZ - Another one I dont have much to gain other than keeping my breath.  I love rowing and am a strong rower.  I've attempted this once, almost matched my 500M Row time (scoring 1:50) and finishing the 10 minutes with a total of 2,423 M and a 1:58 pace.  Considering I was talking to two people while doing this, I'll say its not half bad and I can probably kick more ass if I speed up.

EVENT 3 - The Mini Chipper
5 Min AMRAP:
40 wall balls 20/14
20 double unders
8 chest to bar pull ups

GAINZ: Only thing here I needed to work on was pull ups.  Well, this girls GOT EM!  I did my first WOD at RX last night and also have managed to eek out 2 whole C2B in the past 2 weeks.  Knowing I may be able to get even one is enough joy for me!

EVENT 4 - Secret!

EVENT 5 - Snatches & Burpees
For Time:
10 Snatches 95/55#
10 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Snatches 115/65#
10 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Snatches 135/75#
8 Min Time Cap

GAINZ: Again, nothing major here.  Speed up my burpees (and not puike) and keep my Snatch form in check.  I have been working on my snatch and its feeling pretty good again!

EVENT 6 - The Woodchipper
For Time:
40 Box Jump Overs 24/20
30 Thrusters 85/55#
40 Knees to Arms or Toes to Bar
30 Lunges with barbell in front rack 85/55#
40 Hand release push ups
* 12 Min Time Cap

GAINZ: Well, this one like others I pretty much have all of this down OK.  Knees to arms/Toes to bar though ... that is where I will fall apart and I'm ok with it!  I figure, if I can even eek out one at a time and chip through it, I will call that a win.  I anticipate getting at least part way through this which I think is pretty solid.

So THAT'S IT!  Those are my events. Not only am I feeling more confident than ever, I have made huge strides in my training that are making me more and more happy.  Now all I can keep thinking is "OH, whats next?!"
And I can't help but think too of all of the people who have helped me get these GAINZ. I know I did the work, but if they weren't there to help me and make sure I was doing things right, I would be nowhere.

I also discovered something important about myself.  I tend to approach competitions with a sort of negative attitude - I know this.  I get excited about the idea, but then thinking about what I may have to actually DO, I get down on myself since I am not good at some things.  But this time, as the events were released, I felt my chest puff a little each time.  I looked at them and thought about what I'm GOOD at, what I need to work on and what I can improve on in the time I have until D Day.  I am not jumping out of my seat ready to hit the road north!


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