I'm baaaaack!

I know I have been very MIA for a while but after my competition in May, my whole being need a break.  The break was interesting ... 

By the time the break set in, I was exhausted.  I had the Monday off after the competition and I literally drew the shades, put on sweatpants and streamed Netflix for the entire day and night.  It was amazing.  I of course felt guilty later for being lazy but, well, c'est la vie.

I also caught up on some much delayed friend and fun time.  Translation?  I ate a lot and drank a lot of alcohol.  This is always a good idea at the time, and a bad one later.  I felt like shit.

The week back from break at the gym was one of the hardest things i've ever done.  Not only did MN go straight from winter to humid and hot as shit, I had gained 5 lbs of alcohol and my first WOD back was Memorial Day Murph.  Lets just say that I was in more than pain.  Did I stop going though?  NOPE.  Now this week, weather has stabilized and I am kicking ass and feeling really good.

For your enjoyment - here is my Murph collage. I make the best faces, I know.

Lastly, I found myself (and still find myself) reflecting on a lot of things that have been going on and also looking forward wondering what is next for me.

I am still trying to find some more competitions to TRULY decide where I am going with that part of my life so far its going well. 

  • Powerlifting - 2 are in the sights, one of which I am already registered for
    • Sneak Peek - I am reading a book about a new training program for Augusts meet.  I heard its an ass kicker and amazing, stay tuned for THAT fun!
  • Oly Weightlifting - 1 is in the sights but not much has been released (sigh), otherwise its been a fail
  • CrossFit - Dakota Games is in 2 weeks (HOLY SHIT), and I keep having feelings of trying another
  • Running - I think I mentioned wanting to do something fun this year, yeah, that's not happening
I have officially registered to get my CrossFit L1 Coaches Certification - YAY!
I think this could mean big things for me as a person, leader and community member at my gym.  I am very very excited about this.  Also a little nervous about the whole weekend cert itself but I know it will be good in the end.

I also have been checking out other certs - USAPL and USAW specifically - they are surprisingly hosted closer to home than I thought and far more reasonably priced that I anticipated, so I would REALLY like to complete these by the end of 2014 as well.

And outside of the gym and me being a fitness spaz, I have been looking at what else I want to do personally.  Adventures and fun have fallen by the wayside again.  I am slowly getting back into having a social life ... cross your fingers I can keep up the momentum because I need it!

NOW.  Enough about that because it's making me think too much.  More to come on all of the above.  All will be exciting and tiring and will come in due time.  

Next post (PROMISE IT WONT BE A LONG WAIT) will be a recap of whats to come with Dakota Games (2 weeks and counting!), what the events are and the GAINZ i've managed in the past couple of weeks.  I am very excited with my progress and really goes to show what can be done when you put your mind to it.

Until next time folks :)


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