Twin Ports Raw Open 2014 Recap

Well folks, my first competition is officially in the books!

I was (and still am) very surprised at how the entire experience was both nothing like I imagined and also exactly as I imagined it to be.  
Also?  I learned a shitload more than expected.

Lets recap shall we?

I started the day at about 7 am, weigh ins.  I went fat kid the week prior and ended up gaining like 5 lbs so I walked in scared shitless I would miss the class I wanted.  Yeah, no, I was down like 8 lbs.  Oops.  

After the weigh in is really where my "WTF" set in.  I had no one there with me, knew no one else competing in the morning.  What did I do?  Wandered around staring at people.  
I finally found someone who ended up being beyond amazing and I now affectionately call my Powerlifting Yoda.  This wonderful woman, Erin who has been competing for about 2 years, took me under her wing.  She showed me around, helped me warm up, all kinds of stuff.  I would have been lost without her.  I later found my second Yoda, Jala, who also helped me immensely.  

At about 8 am, we had our rules meeting.  I almost pissed my pants.  I read the rule book, I did my research and I still felt lost.  So many rules.  So many things you CAN'T do.  I thought for sure I'd piss someone off at some point through the day.

At 8:30 am, we started warming up to lift at 9 am.  Warm ups were weird, I felt very rushed, I didn't like it.  My squat felt wrong, my heels were coming up ... lets just say I had low low hope for myself at this point.  Then I found out I was lifting almost last.  What put me there?  My high weight.  So I freaked again like I was shooting too high.  I finally said fuck it, threw my iPod on and jammed to some Disturbed until my turn.  
I walk out for attempt 1 (220#) and the rack was set wrong.  It was the level of my belly button.  I instantly start sweating and get scared.  I literally was afraid I couldn't ask them to change it due to the strict rules with time.  But, I did ask, they changed it and I got to awkwardly stand there while everyone stared at me.  Fantastic start to my first competition.  

Once all of that ended, I walked out, took my spot, knocked out that 220# and then I was good!
Well, until I miss both attempts 2 & 3 (230ish#).  That was a little annoying because its still well under my 1RM but things just didn't feel right so whatever.

Next up was bench.  I do not like bench.  I am not very good at it and have a lot of work to do on it.  So this one, I more or less just didn't want to make a fool out of myself or get red lighted for missing a command or something stupid.  I made both attempt 1 & 2 (110# and 121# respectively) and missed 143#.  That was absolutely no surprise.  It was over my 1RM and did I mention I suck at bench?

Then we had an obnoxious amount of time to wait.  The whole morning had multiple groups who were lifting.  And with bench - there was a bench only group so it was a long wait.  So I ate. Hung out with people.  Ate some more.  Then it was time to warm up for deadlifts <3

I didn't really freak out this time but was taken back a little in warm ups when I was up to 295# and everyone was just staring at me.  I thought I was doing something wrong.  Nope.  Everyone else's maxes are just WAY lower than mine.  I kinda looked like a freak.  Whatever. I love deadlifts.
Laughed a little when I realized I was lifting last too.

I made attempts 1 & 2 (308# and 325.2#) and then the big one came.  The state record breaker and almost my goal for the year.  I was going for 340#.  Totally missed it, but, hey, I tried!
And the 325.2# was a PR BABY!

Overall, I finished 5th out of 9 ladies. YAY!
PL Total - 302.5kg (667lb)
Wilks - 278.149
I missed both state records I was attempting (well I made the squat but later found out someone else beat me that day, damn it!).
I had a lot of random issues, lots of nerves, lots of unknowns, was a little disappointed in my form on a lot of things but all in all, I say its a good day.

I also cannot express enough how amazing this sports community is.  CrossFit and Powerlifting both have the most amazing communities ever.  From people taking me under their wing to others coaches and team mates coming in to help me because I was alone.  I have never felt so comfortable in my life.

Heres a few group shots ...
The whole morning flight - 
Special Olympics, Bench Only, Masters Men, Open Women

 Some of the bitchin ladies I lifted with (Yoda is in the middle next to me)

Now.  What did I learn?  A LOT.

  • Need to train longer 
  • Need to focus more technique and form not just weight
    • Also toy with other form like high bar squatting, widened stance
  • Need a more complete plan (meaning scheduled rest, testing and reloads)
  • Need a partner (was really sad not having one there with me. Only one without)
  • Need to add accessory moves too (misc stuff, not just three lifts)

  • Eat more foods to help with fatigue.  I am adding more gluten free oats, breads, rices, etc.  Needs to happen.
  • Do more research on Paleo for Powerlifters to make sure I am getting enough nutrients.  

The competition:
  • Support system - I have one, I need one.  I need to compete where more people can help.  It was very, very hard not having a team mate or a coach or someone to be backstage with me.  
  • Pick my weights more wisely.  I shot for the damn moon on a lot of them.  That will not happen again.
  • Drink more coffee.  Yes, you read that right.  I need to be jacked up all day.
  • BLOCK PEOPLE OUT.  I am so bad at this.  I cannot zone out and do my shit.  If someone is talking to me, the rack is wrong, whatever.  It will throw me off.  I need to figure out how to not let that happen.
  • Warm ups.  Plan them better.  Feel more comfortable with shorter timeframes to warm up and how to do it successfully.
  • Be prepared for a long fucking day.  i.e. pack more food.

Those are probably the main things that I learned. I have been dwelling on them all week and didn't write them down so i'm sure tons more shit will come to mind but thats a fine list to start with.

I will say, it was very flattering to hear so many people praise me.  I know that some things I lift heavier than many women out there, but I love when other women have appreciation for it.  
Also, the shock that I was there and doing the thing alone.  I did have spectators, but as previously mentioned, no coach, no training buddy, nada.  They all could not believe I did it solo.  Made me feel pretty good.

So that's about it.  That was my amazing day.  The blog version, not the novel.  The novel would keep you here for a day, thought I would spare you.
Whirlwind of a day, just like a wedding.  You prepare for so long and its over before you know it.  

I signed up for my next event - Twin Cities Open, August 16th
I found out a lot (or almost all) of the women I lifted with this past weekend will also be competing.  Reunion of the tough ladies!

Closing thought ... 
I am hoping that now that I did this it will inspire more women I know to try a competition.  There are a few who keep talking about it but haven't, I really want to help support more of them in getting into it.  And it will also give each other training partners, which would be amazing.

I'm adding that to my list.  Inspire. 


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