Feeling Inspired
In the past couple of years I have been granted many opportunities to meet some really great and inspiring people. The more I find my way through the world of lifting heavy things and competing I meet even more. The best part? They're all just like me.
The ladies of the world who lift are all gorgeous inside and out, strong as hell, more determined than anyone I know, motivating, amazing and funny as hell. This week I was reminded of our community after being invited to join a strong ass lady discussion group. It's a platform for all of us to share PR's and struggles, ask for advice, talk about food, share funny pictures or really just talk about whatever we want. I haven't laughed so hard and got so excited about something in I don't know how long. I am so thankful to be a part of such a community!
Over the past year or so, the decisions I have made, things I have done and competitions I have done I couldn't have done without myself BUT being a part of the strong lady community I now am, they make me want to be so much better than I am and push myself even harder.
So anyway, on to the subject of tonight. Revisiting goals. A good (strong) lady friend of mine shared her goals. It made me realize I was ridiculously behind on writing mine down ... Shame on me.
In one of my first posts I shared with you some goals that were a little more competition based as well as mental wellness goals. Now, heres me, getting my shit together and set some goals that include POUNDS ON THE BAR.
These all are to be completed by year end. Gives me some time because these bitches are LOFTY.
1) Deadlift: 1RM, 350# (Current 305#); 3RM 275# (Current 245#)
2) Back squat: 1RM, 1.5x body weight, 268.5# (Current 235#, BW 179#); 3RM, TBD
3) Bench Press: 1RM, 175# (Current 130#)
4) Clean and Jerk: 1RM, 175# (Current 140#)
5) Snatch: 1RM, 135# (Current 105#)
Even though these are lofty, I think they are fully attainable.
My biggest issue? Patience. I have a huge issue with it. We don't get along.
My powerlifting meet is in less than 3 weeks. I was hoping to be close to attaining some of these weights there but don't want to set myself up for disaster so I am testing maxes this week and setting my goals low and attainable. I think that failing or making a fool out of myself is much worse than lifting less weight.
Well. Now they are on paper. Guess I have to make em happen huh? Game on.
The ladies of the world who lift are all gorgeous inside and out, strong as hell, more determined than anyone I know, motivating, amazing and funny as hell. This week I was reminded of our community after being invited to join a strong ass lady discussion group. It's a platform for all of us to share PR's and struggles, ask for advice, talk about food, share funny pictures or really just talk about whatever we want. I haven't laughed so hard and got so excited about something in I don't know how long. I am so thankful to be a part of such a community!
Over the past year or so, the decisions I have made, things I have done and competitions I have done I couldn't have done without myself BUT being a part of the strong lady community I now am, they make me want to be so much better than I am and push myself even harder.
So anyway, on to the subject of tonight. Revisiting goals. A good (strong) lady friend of mine shared her goals. It made me realize I was ridiculously behind on writing mine down ... Shame on me.
In one of my first posts I shared with you some goals that were a little more competition based as well as mental wellness goals. Now, heres me, getting my shit together and set some goals that include POUNDS ON THE BAR.
These all are to be completed by year end. Gives me some time because these bitches are LOFTY.
1) Deadlift: 1RM, 350# (Current 305#); 3RM 275# (Current 245#)
2) Back squat: 1RM, 1.5x body weight, 268.5# (Current 235#, BW 179#); 3RM, TBD
3) Bench Press: 1RM, 175# (Current 130#)
4) Clean and Jerk: 1RM, 175# (Current 140#)
5) Snatch: 1RM, 135# (Current 105#)
Even though these are lofty, I think they are fully attainable.
My biggest issue? Patience. I have a huge issue with it. We don't get along.
My powerlifting meet is in less than 3 weeks. I was hoping to be close to attaining some of these weights there but don't want to set myself up for disaster so I am testing maxes this week and setting my goals low and attainable. I think that failing or making a fool out of myself is much worse than lifting less weight.
Well. Now they are on paper. Guess I have to make em happen huh? Game on.
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